Red Haus Condo Corporation

Start a Club

Big Changes. Bright Future.

Clare McWilliams

Big Changes. Bright Future.

Greetings neighbour:

We welcomed 2024 with some big changes, all by design, for the betterment of this community. We’ve communicated the rationale for the most significant change with you since November: our change in property management, specifically to self-directed management as of January 1st.

For a bit more historical context, Red Haus has been managed by three property management companies since its inception in 2006 — Rancho Realty, C-Era Management and Simco — and this Board, with preceding Boards, have learned a lot. We’ve seen what works, and what doesn’t. And now, without the overhead and resource constraints of a property management company, Red Haus is now officially self-directed. With the autonomy of an onsite community management team to oversee day-to-day operations, mere steps from your unit, we’re strategically positioned to service resident, owner, property, and Board needs more thoroughly, more efficiently, and more timely. And we’re ready for it.

To say it’s been a hectic few months for the Board of Directors would be an extreme understatement. It’s been my job to steward this amazing team through this process. As volunteers, we needed help and direction to make this change happen properly, so we hired two consultants to support the workload and to provide a road map. We then hired a permanent management team, prepared and transferred all financial and operational records, configured two offices in the Club Haus for staff, and all the while coordinating the property’s largest renovation project to date.

With this lengthy to-do list, you’ve likely also noticed that we've had several projects wrap-up over the last few months. Here’s a round-up of these projects:

  • Landscaping upgrades to the north-east quadrant of the property included a new retaining wall behind building 60 with 12 new trees to provide a sound barrier from Country Hills Boulevard

  • New fob platforms for garage entry for buildings 30 and 60

  • Fire alarm testing for all buildings is complete

  • New wiring for street and courtyard path lighting that had been damaged

  • A renovated Club Haus Lounge is awaiting you — host your next large group function or curl up with a book

  • Our Holiday Open Haus drew over 150 residents — thank you to our volunteers for hosting such a special event

And there’s no rest for the wicked. We’ve got a lot more on the docket this quarter, including our upcoming Town Hall on February 12th. Also, please watch your inboxes and mailboxes over the coming weeks, as we introduce the new communication portal and share our spring AGM details. Thank you, as always, for your continued confidence as we navigate this exciting new chapter for Red Haus. I look forward to seeing you at the Town Hall. Here’s to big changes for a better future at Red Haus.

In service,
Don McKenzie | President, Red Haus Board of Directors

Responsible for Day-to-Day Operations

General Manager

Phone: (403) 452 8800

Kelly will be a refreshingly familiar face for many of our owners and residents. She was our Community Manager when Red Haus transitioned from Rancho Realty to C-Era Property Management in 2015. More recently, she has functioned as our Transition Coordinator preceding this change in management. Accordingly, her historical understanding and operational intelligence regarding Red Haus are proven and comprehensive.

With over 14 years of property management experience between C-Era Property Management and Montgomery Ross, she was immediately identified as a strong leader to take our property self-directed.

What are you looking forward to most working for Red Haus as self-directed? 

Having the time to manage Red Haus the way you deserve to be managed. Being able to listen to the needs and wants of the residents, while engaging with the Board and owners as this community continues to grow proactively.

What do you enjoy the most about your job? 

The relationships! Leveraging my professional experience and related education to support the Board, owners, and residents while optimizing vendor and contractor services, brings me enormous satisfaction. These relationships are based on trust, honesty, and integrity. I don’t take this for granted for a moment because, without the people, it’s just a building – together, we’re a community.

Red Haus just makes me happy. Having the opportunity to be a part of this community is something that I am very grateful for, and I’m proud to be your General Manager.

What are you most proud of in your professional career?

My Outlook. I’ve been fortunate to have gained insight and experience in varying roles in this industry, which have afforded me a uniquely robust outlook and approach to most situations.  

My Education. I’m an Accredited Residential Manager (ARM) through the Real Estate Institute of Canada. I’ve also completed critical courses through the Real Estate Council of Alberta.

What are three things you're most proud of in your personal life?

My children. I look at them and think, I did good. I did that, and now I have been blessed with grandchildren and I hope that someday my children look at their children the same way that I look at them.

My curious spirit. I look at all aspects of life through a curious lens, which allows me to remain non-judgmental and empathetic.

My foresight. I retired from playing slo-pitch BEFORE I was the slowest person on the field that everyone complained about!

Property Supervisor

Phone: (403) 452 8800

Troy has been a friendly fixture at Red Haus for over six years as our Property Supervisor. He’s occupied this role at our property and others for over ten years through Red Dot Restorations.

As the face of property maintenance, Troy has effectively nurtured quality relationships with all stakeholders – owners, residents, Board members, vendors, and contractors alike. And this is no small feat given the complexity and volume of work generated by 483 units – we’re one of Calgary’s largest condo complexes, a village indeed.  

What are you looking forward to most working for Red Haus as self-directed?

I’m confident that self-directed management will yield timelier service for all involved. Having all staff on-site will be significant to expediting service requests, with better attention to detail and quality.

What are you most proud of in your professional career?

I’m with Kelly – it’s the relationships. Being diligent in my efforts to develop the trust of this community ultimately helps me to perform my job to the best of my ability. It’s The Golden Rule – to treat others the way I wish to be treated. Make people feel seen and heard. I take the management of their investment very seriously.

What are you most proud of in your personal life?

My proudest achievement in my life is my son. I’m so very proud of the man he has become and where his life has taken him.

I’m also fuelled by the relationships in my life -- my friends and family. Whether they’ve spanned a lifetime, or a year, I cherish them all.


Daily Property Maintenance
Move & Large Delivery Coordination
Intercom + Fob Programming
Bicycle Storage Access
Bylaw Infractions


New Owner Onboarding
Owner & Tennant Information
Online Concierge Access
Mass Communications
Finance + Accounting
Condo Fees + Arrears
Corp Insurance Claims
Contractor Coordination
Liaison to Board of Directors
Board Meetings + AGM

Invitation to Red Haus Town Hall

February 12, 2024 | 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Royal Oak Victory Church
450 Royal Oak Drive NW

Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 955 4538 8853
Dial In: • +1 587 328 1099 Canada; Meeting ID: 955 4538 8853
Find your local number:

Join us for an informal discussion regarding our switch to Self-Directed Management.
The Board of Directors is looking forward to answering any questions you may have.

For expedience, submit questions to by February 8th
Responses will be shared at the town hall for collective benefit.

Please know that time for live questions will be limited, so to ensure your question is addressed,
be sure to submit it ahead of time.
See you there!

New Property Management Portal for Owners and Residents

Details will be shared with you shortly to access our new communications portal, Shift Suite.
Shift Suite has replaced Condo Condo, so new login credentials are required. As before, you will be directed to the portal to log service requests, incident reports, guest parking passes and more.


Dart & Cribbage Leagues

New and seasoned players welcome! We’ll play 501, 301, Killer and Cricket. The inaugural game for the Red Haus Dart League was March 21, 2023. Come flex your cribbage rhetoric: “one for his nobs,” “you’re such a pone!,” “box, kitty, muggins, cutthroat”

WHEN: Tuesdays

TIME: 7:00 PM

WHERE: Club Haus Lounge

Want to Start a Club or League?

What are you passionate about? Would you like to share this passion with others at the Club Haus? We strongly encourage those wishing to coordinate different activities at the Club Haus to simply go for it — like a billiards league, book club or quilting guild.

We have THREE channels to promote and connect your activity to like-minded community members:

1. Use the Message Board on Shift Suite. You can propose an activity idea there and any interested residents can join in on your activity thread;

2. Use the Newsletter. Simply send your activity details to, and we’ll include it in the next newsletter; and/or

3. Use the TV screens at entrances and in elevators. Send your activity details to and Troy will create an ad for you!

The Board of Directors prioritizes the health, safety and well-being of all Red Haus residents. Groups using the Club Haus will adhere to our Code of Conduct. Non-compliant parties will be subject to facility banning and/or removal.

2-Hour Food Delivery Limit

Food deliveries are left for residents in the entry vestibules, which can be left for multiple hours after drop-off — even days at a time, bringing with them unwelcome odours and pests.

Residents have 2-hours from the delivery receipt to collect their food or it will be disposed of.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Dryer Vent Cleaning Reminder

Every condo dweller should take preventive measures to have your dryer vent cleaned at least once a year to protect their home from fire hazards. As many as 15,000 fires start in apartments due to clogged dryer exhaust vents.

Exterior traps and vents are cleaned by the condo corporation annually, however, build up behind your unit’s appliance isn’t reached by our service and is the owner’s responsibility, at your expense.

If you require a dryer vent cleaning company, contact the Maintenance Supervisor for a referral.

Moves & Large Deliveries Require Coordination with the Site Office

If you have an upcoming move or expect a large delivery, Red Haus policy stipulates your proactive coordination with the Site Office. Troy will book a guard for moves and for deliveries requiring prolonged building access.

The reason we require moves booked 72 hours in advance is to arrange the necessary logistics — the padding of elevators and the booking a security guard, who is entrusted to monitor foot traffic and potential damage to common property while entries are wide open and therefore, not secure.

Refer to the Contact Us page for Troy’s office hours and contact details.